CPD Workshop – Jon Blend MA Dip Child

Friday 27th & Saturday 28th October 2023

This workshop builds theoretical understanding and clinical practice skills in working with children and young people. It utilises a variety of arts-based ways of working, including lyric writing, haiku poetry- making and theatre games. Day two explores ’Lifemusic’, composer Rod Paton’s Jungian inspired form of music and voice work involving improvisation. The course concludes with a restorative, healing ’sound bath’. No prior skill or experience of music -making or writing is required, just a willingness to participate and reflect together.

Engaging children and young people in an arts-based, embodied dialogue, helps them develop awareness and discover relational ways of communicating needs and wants. This in turn helps expand their ‘Life space’, builds mastery and fosters resilience. Recent research suggests the span of adolescence extends further than realised, into mid-twenties and beyond. Moreover, the process of achieving maturation is rarely linear: young people often oscillate between different self-states.

Whilst this course focuses on therapeutic working with children and adolescents, we may also consider some experiences of young adults. Drawing on development theory from gestalt therapist Mark McConville we consider the phenomenology of growing up and the part played by parents, peers and community in shaping the course of events. Some ideas from gestalt therapists Duey Freeman, Ruth Lampert, Violet Oaklander and Norman Shubb
also contribute to our understanding of what happens.

This workshop will particularly interest Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Education, Health and Social Care Professionals.

Jon is also offering a year- round training in London, beginning January 2024 (see link at www.gacp.co.uk/). The course will interest practitioners working in the caring professions, including counsellors, SENCO’s and others in colleges, schools, universities, worship settings and private practice.

DATE 27th & 28th October 2023
VENUE Gestalt Centre Wales, The Courtyard, Chepstow NP16 5HH
TIMINGS Arrive from 9.30am Friday & Saturday for a 10am start – 4.30pm
COST £230.00. Deposit: £100 non-refundable for workshop.

Please contact me if a payment plan is preferred and details can be clarified.

HOW TO BOOK Please confirm attendance to Anne at gestaltcentrewales@gmail.com or administrator Lucy at gestaltcw@gmail.com
CANCELLATIONS If you cancel more than 7 days before the course you will receive a 50% refund. No cancellations or transfers otherwise.
Refreshments available, please bring lunch to share

Arts Trail

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th July 2017

There will be an Arts Trail weekend held again this year after the great success of last years event.

Look out for more details here as they become available

Meditation and Inner Peace

Thursday 9th & 23rd March, 6th & 27th April

Chepstow Therapy Rooms on alternate Thursday evenings 7pm – 8.30pm

Drop-in Classes with experienced Buddhist meditation teacher.  Guided meditation for increasing inner peace and clarity, reducing stress, improving relationships and finding lasting happiness.  Seating is on chairs.

(£6 per class, or £20 for any 4 classes.  No one turned away for lack of funds)

Classes are run by Amitabha Buddhist Centre

Traditional Acupuncture


** £15 per treatment!!**

My name is Gwenan Dodwell and I am in my final year of training at The Acupuncture Academy, Leamington Spa.

I am looking for patients to treat, under supervision as part of my clinical training.  Each patient is required to attend for a minimum of 5 sessions.  Treatments will take place at Chepstow Therapy Rooms, 10 Hocker Hill Street.

Peter Butcher Lic.Ac., M.B.Ac. will be supervising all treatments.  He has 24 years experience as a practitioner so this is a fantastic opportunity to experience the many benefits of Acupuncture for the first time.

If you are interested please call Peter on 07921 801005.


Meditation with Natalie Franco

Thursday 15th & 29th Sept, 13th & 27th Oct,

10th & 24th Nov, 8th Dec 2016

Chepstow Therapy Rooms on alternate Thursday evenings 7pm – 8.30pm

Drop-in Classes with experienced Buddhist meditation teacher, Natalie Franco.  Guided meditation for increasing inner peace and clarity, reducing stress, improving relationships and finding lasting happiness.  Seating is on chairs.

(£6 per class, or £20 for any 4 classes.  No one turned away for lack of funds)

Classes are run by Amitabha Buddhist Centre

Tel: 01179745160; Email: info@meditationbristol.org; Web: www.meditationbristol.org

Womens’ Group

With Anne Pettit and Gillian Downie

The mix of people in a group highlights similarities and differences and can bring into sharp focus your attitudes, beliefs and ways of relating. “How we relate” is a major feature of group work from the first meeting point and as relationships develop over time. We will see how you enhance or stop yourself forming satisfying relationships, how you cover or reveal yourself, how you keep distant or allow yourself to trust and be intimate. Your experience within a group will often reflect your outside life, both past and present, such as family, school and work. As this emerges you can explore the roots of your experience and experiment with new ways of being.

The groups’ aim is to understand our ways of communicating with others in a safe and contained atmosphere. On-going groups create an environment for grounded internal change, and the ability to come to terms with yourself and how you are in the world. Groups can be a place to support, challenge and inspire each other into new awareness and opportunities for change.

DATES: Tuesdays 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm

10th, 17th, 24th & 31st Jan; 7th, 21st & 28th Feb;

7th, 14th, 21st & 28th Mar; 4th & 25th Apr; 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd Jun;

6th, 13th, 20th & 27th Jun; 11th & 18th Jul 2017


The group takes place at Gestalt Centre Wales, Chepstow

The group will be a maximum of 10 women

Participants can be in individual therapy

Cost: £24 per session

CONTACT Anne on 07863 976 833 or Gillian on 07855 140 713


Gestalt Centre Wales


with Anne Pettit and Gillian Downie


If you would like to attend these sessions please print and complete this booking form and then return it with your payment (single or block payment) to Gestalt Centre Wales, 10 Hocker Hill Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ER


Name                         ——————————————————————————

Address                    ——————————————————————————


Contact Numbers     ——————————————————————————

Email                         ——————————————————————————-

Occupation             ——————————————————————————–

Payment Enc.          (Cheques payable to ‘A. Pettit’ )             £——————-

Signed       ———————————-             Dated   ————————————

We abide by a STRICT code of confidentiality. Your details will NOT BE passed to any third party.

DATE            10, 17, 24 & 31 Jan 2017; 7, 21 & 28 Feb; 7, 14, 21 & 28 Mar;

4 & 25 Apr; 2, 9, 16 & 23 Jun; 6, 13, 20 & 27 Jun; 11 & 18 Jul 2017

VENUE        Gestalt Centre Wales, 10 Hocker Hill Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ER

TIMINGS      Arrive from 12.00 pm for a 12.30 pm prompt start, finishing at 2.30 pm

COST             £24.00 per session

BOOKING     Please contact Anne at gestaltcentrewales@gmail.com or by post at the above address or mob: 07863976833 or Gillian mob: 07855 140 713

CANCELLATIONS            No cancellations or transfers.

Refreshments (including alternative teas) available



Theta Healing Basic DNA Workshop with Mayella Reynolds

5th, 6th & 7th August 2016

Are you feeling ready for a change?  We are running a 3-day course in Chepstow for people interested in training as practitioners in ThetaHealing®, a form of energy healing which uses the natural Theta brainwave state, enabling you to change limiting beliefs in the unconscious mind, immediately.

About the Course

The Basic Theta Healing course is three-days of intensive practical healing, a truly life enhancing experience.

Your mind is extraordinarily powerful – so by harnessing its power you really can have the life that you dream of. However, the negative beliefs that you have in your subconscious mind limit your possibilities and can block your way forward.
ThetaHealing® is a simple technique that uncovers the negative limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind and changes them, empowering you to move forward in your life in a positive impactful way.
As a practitioner you will use the natural Theta brainwave state to connect to the creative source energy of all that is, enabling you to heal yourself and others.

Basic DNA Theta Healing 5 Aug 2016

Theta Healing Basic DNA Course with Mayella Reynolds

15th to 17th April 2016

Are you feeling ready for a change?  We are running a 3-day course in Chepstow for people interested in training as practitioners in ThetaHealing®, a form of energy healing which uses the natural Theta brainwave state, enabling you to change limiting beliefs in the unconscious mind, immediately.

About the Course

The Basic Theta Healing course is three-days of intensive practical healing, a truly life enhancing experience.

Your mind is extraordinarily powerful – so by harnessing its power you really can have the life that you dream of. However, the negative beliefs that you have in your subconscious mind limit your possibilities and can block your way forward.
ThetaHealing® is a simple technique that uncovers the negative limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind and changes them, empowering you to move forward in your life in a positive impactful way.
As a practitioner you will use the natural Theta brainwave state to connect to the creative source energy of all that is, enabling you to heal yourself and others.

Basic Theta DNA1 in Chepstow April 2016

Meditation with Natalie Franco

Thursday 11th & 25th Feb, 17th & 31st March, 28th April,

12th & 26th May, 9th & 23rd June 2016

Everyone is welcome to our drop-in classes with experienced Buddhist meditation teacher, Natalie Franco.  Guided meditation for increasing inner peace and clarity, reducing stress, improving relationships and finding lasting happiness.

meditation feb to jun 2016

Winter Remedies Herbal Workshop

With Mark Jack

Saturday 12th December 10am – 4pm

A new date has been added for this very popular workshop with Mark

Stay Healthy this Winter with your own Herbal remediesspices-834114-sq1-300x300 (1)

Come along and join Mark on one of his very popular workshops  The workshop covers

Making a herbal cough syrup, a healing lip balm and warming herbal infusions.

The medicinal uses of common wintertime spices and other useful herbs for this season.

Caring for your digestion and keeping your immune system strong.

Herbal remedies for common wintertime ailments.

Includes a free handbook containing everything covered in the workshop and some essential winter remedies to take home with you.

Full cost £48 – For further information or to book your place contact Mark on 07411 281165